UMKC accepts credit in transfer from accredited institutions* of recognized standing, 公共和私人. Your GPA does not transfer to UMKC unless you are transferring from another University of Missouri school. Transfer work will not be posted to your UMKC academic record until we have received official transcripts directly from the transferring school or in a sealed envelope. Transfer work is only posted for students working toward their first bachelor's degree.
All undergraduate college coursework attempted at accredited institutions* will be recorded on the UMKC transcript of students seeking an undergraduate degree, regardless of whether or not it is applicable to a UMKC degree. Credit accepted from another institution may or may not be applicable to specific degree programs. The University reserves the right to make the decision regarding applicability.
*The University of Missouri - Kansas City accepts transfer work from institutions that are accredited by what was formerly referred to as a Regional Accrediting agency per the Council for Higher Education 认证 (CHEA), 具体地说:
In order for your transfer credit to be posted to your UMKC academic record, we must receive an official transcript from each institution you have previously attended.
官方成绩单s are those sent directly to an employer or another institution of higher education or to any third party on behalf of the student. If the student receives the transcript before the third party, 我们不再认为它是正式的.
Transcripts sent to UMKC are considered official if they are received in a sealed envelope by the Office of Admissions or sent electronically to the Office of Admissions through either Docufide or eScrip-Safe.